Towards the end of 202,1 with the return talks in the parish hall, we decided that our Newsletters would become less frequent than they had been during the height of the Covid19 pandemic. So currently they are being produced on a seasonal basis and, as usual, they are emailed to members when they are issued.

You can also read them by clicking on the image links below.

NB. The September 2023 newsletter that was emailed to members had some of the quiz missing but this has been corrected in this on-line version


 We started producing regular(ish) Newsletters in February 2018 and by the end of 2019 we had issued 6 of them, The 7th edition was issued in March 2020 but then, as we all know all too well, everything changed. Everybody, everywhere had to adapt and find new ways of doing things.

At the History Society, in recognition of the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic was an historical event of immense significance, our newsletter took on a new role. It was renamed “CDLHS in our Historic Times” and was issued much more frequently, the first 12 editions in only 9 months!

When we started the ‘In Historic Times’ newsletters, they were just circulated free of charge to CDLHS members and friends, via e-mail. They were an attempt to bring some distraction, and perhaps a little cheer, during Covid restrictions (which were then not foreseen to last so very long). The aim was to provide a variety of articles in each newsletter and to be illustrated for added appeal. They also made up for the delay to our 2020/21 season of talks.

Through necessity, most of the research was online in a short space of time, and in some cases written without special expertise. They were written in good faith, and the information they contain believed to be correct. If mistakes have been made please let us know so that we can put it right. Please contact

As they were well received, they have been added to the website. The intention is that gradually the separate articles will be categorised and placed in their relevant position on the site.