Photo Gallery
Just some of the many photographs and pictures within our archives.
Now that we have digitised all our photographs, more will be added periodically.
A winter scene looking down Charing High Street.
George Lee and family outside their grocer's and baker's shop, now Charing Stores.
This old photo of the Swan Hotel shows the sign, up on the extreme right of the picture, of the Bicycle Touring Club Headquarters. The club sign is the winged wheel, to the left of the top window. Doorway, left, was for the coaches.
Charing High Street looking down. Moir's Shop, on left, was a Saddle & Harness Makers'. The owner, at one time, sat in the window stitching saddles. He then took on hardware etc. and hung items outside. The hooks are still there. The Telephone Exchange was next door. Photo 1890.
Station Road looking towards the High Street before the A20 was built. Behind the cart is a lamp on a structure beside the house – this was the entrance to the Methodist Chapel. The house next to it was demolished. The ivy-covered building beyone was the old Queen's Head facing the High Street. It was demolished and rebuilt facing the A20. Photo 1890.
1st Charing Scout Group, 1925. Note their band instruments.
Charing School. Mr Rudge, Headmaster, with some of the pupils. 1916. Note the Headmaster's dog.
Off to the hop gardens in the early morning, 1907.
This shop is down from the King's Head. In recent years it was Birchett's Electrical Shop. This part, as seen, is now living accommodation, the shop being to the left. The Cackett family were very well known. Some members of the family are pictured. Photo circa 1913
Peirce Farm Barn. This was the Charing Youth Hostel.
Tudor May Fayre, High Street, 27 May 1967.
Couchman's Bakery. Photo circa 1920.
The Wood Yard in Market Place, 1905. Cutting timber with large circular saw.
Who are these people?
Wheel making at the Charing Forge. An iron tyre is being fitted. The man wearing a hat, with arms akimbo, is Tom Willis, blacksmith. Photo 1910.
Charing looking towards the lower High Street. The photo was taken in what is now Station Road. The new village hall is just seen on the left. The building just behind the cart was demolished to make way for the bypass in the early 1930s. The old Queen's Head pub can be seen, just beyond, facing onto the High Street.
Charing Parish Church and Market Place. Photo circa 1914. Note the gate in front of the church and gas lamp to the left of it.
Opening of the A20 Charing Bypass 1925. The Revd Fotheringham, Vicar of Charing, can be seen right of picture with his wife. Note the telegraph poles with their many wires. "As a boy, walking along on a breezy day, the wires would 'sing' like an Aeo'lian harp."
Outside Charing Parish Hall. Armistice Remembrance Service and Parade. Photo circa 1929.