Society Messages Index
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The 2022/23 season of talks is about to begin
The first 3 talks have been booked and more details can be found on the “Talks” page.
A new article has been posted in the Historical Allsorts section.
It’s title is “ Witchcraft and Witch Bottles”, which coincidentally was the subject of our April 2022 talk.
The AGM has a change of date and Venue.
It is now to be held on Thursday 19th May at 7:30pm in the Church Barn, next to the Church.
After the meeting there will be a social, quiz, nibbles and a drink
The January talk will now be on Zoom
Unfortunately, our scheduled in-person 13th January talk, exploring the controversial shipwreck of HMS Gloucester and the connection to Samuel Pepys, cannot go ahead this month. However, we’re very pleased that, instead, Imogen Corrigan will give a Zoom talk for us on the breath-taking mosaics of Ravenna. Click here for the poster
Joining details will be provided to members nearer the date.
Christmas Social 2021 Cancelled
Dear Members,
In the light of the concerns associated with the latest version of the Covid virus, the Committee feel it prudent to cancel the Christmas Social that was planned for 9th December 2021 in the Church Barn.
Whilst restaurants and pubs are able to organise social distancing in their premises, we would not be able to achieve the same level of safeguarding to the health of all of us. We had planned a communal quiz, which would have meant all of us being in close proximity when looking at the quiz pictures.
However, our thoughts are to plan a social evening in May, when we hold our AGM – more details to follow nearer the time.
We trust you will understand our concerns and, therefore, why we have regrettably cancelled the Christmas Social.
In the meantime, we sincerely trust that you will all have a healthy & enjoyable Christmas & New Year.
Best wishes
(Chair - On behalf of the CDLHS Committee)
We have a new Twitter account - Follow us on Twitter to get notifications of talks and website updates.
You will no doubt have noticed a bit of a change on the website’s front page. We have decided to use Twitter as another means of communicating with members (and any one else who might be interested). So now, if you want to know when we have something new that we want you know about, all you need to do is follow us on twitter and opt to be notified when we post something new. If you want to do that but have a question or two you would like answered first, then let us know by sending an email to
Charing Alderbed Meadow
The Alderbed is a small, but wildlife-rich, area of wet woodland and meadow that has been here a very long time.
Have a look at the new article about it that we’ve added today.
Looking back at the last of the 2020/21 season of talks and forward to the 2021/22 plans.
We return to the Parish Hall for the start of the 2021/22 season of talks (Covid permitting). The first 3 talks have been scheduled and more information can be found on the Talks page.
2021/22 Season - not long now!
Our 2021/22 season starts in September. Details will be added to the website soon.
Society Messages have a new format
When the new look website launched on 8th March 2021, we tried using Microsoft Sway as the delivery mechanism. However, after a couple of months we have decided that the Society Messages will become a more integrated part of the website from now on.
Elsie Gaughan’s Collage
We have now added images and transcribed information from the watercolour collage of Charing painted by Esie Gaughan.
You can find it in the About Charing/Charing In Pictures section
Service of Commemoration for Jennie Burgess
We have been informed by Janet McIntyre that because of the continuing situation, the Service to celebrate Jennie's life, has now been postponed until May 2022.
As many of you will know, Jennie had a very significant input to the running of CDLHS for many years, & who quietly, but firmly, 'got things done'.
She was widely respected & admired by all who worked with her.
More details will follow when Janet hears from Jennie's daughter nearer the time.
Keith Oram
Looking back to our April CDLHS Zoom
Medway Meanderings
Jonathan Fenner
This talk was very informative and well received. He began with the idea that the side of the River Medway on which one lives, is the basis for being described as either a ‘Man of Kent,’ or a ‘Kentish Man.’
The talk continued to be packed with information about navigation of the river, and the industries that grew up along its route, from the source at Turners Hill, in East Sussex, through to Sheerness, where it joins the Thames estuary. Pausing along the route to also appreciate the architecture of and history of well-known places like Penshurst Place, as well as lesser known, for example The Friars, and Upnor Castle.
Hello! Welcome to our new website.
New messages will be added here, as and when there is something to say, so do come back and have a look from time to time.
We have transferred, reorganised, and added to the information from our old website. We will continue to update and improve it.
Our aim is to continually add more material... after all, history keeps on happening, so there will be plenty more to come.
The last day of the old website
The old website has been closed down and replaced by a new-look version