Christmas Social 2021 Cancelled

Dear Members,

In the light of the concerns associated with the latest version of the Covid virus, the Committee feel it prudent to cancel the Christmas Social that was planned for 9th December 2021 in the Church Barn.

Whilst restaurants and pubs are able to organise social distancing in their premises, we would not be able to achieve the same level of safeguarding to the health of all of us. We had planned a communal quiz, which would have meant all of us being in close proximity when looking at the quiz pictures.

However, our thoughts are to plan a social evening in May, when we hold our AGM – more details to follow nearer the time.

We trust you will understand our concerns and, therefore, why we have regrettably cancelled the Christmas Social.

In the meantime, we sincerely trust that you will all have a healthy & enjoyable Christmas & New Year.

Best wishes


(Chair - On behalf of the CDLHS Committee)


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


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